by Ann Leonor | Dec 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Get clarity on your goals to help reduce stress Ann Leonor ICF qualified Career Coach Blue sky thinking – where you want to go? Write it down. Is this current situation bringing me closer to that goal or sending me in the other direction. Take 5 minutes to...
by Ann Leonor | Dec 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Boundaries – Sometimes it’s OK to say ‘no’. Ann Leonor ICF qualified Career Coach You can’t help it if someone at work is being a dick unpleasant But you can control how you handle it. You’re NOT always going to like every one of your...
by Ann Leonor | Dec 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Get organised at work – Get a plan for planning! Ann Leonor ICF qualified Career Coach There are things in your job that you can control and others you can’t (we’ll get to those next time!). Planning and organising is definitely something you can take control...
by Ann Leonor | Dec 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Find where your stress is hiding in 60 seconds Ann Leonor ICF qualified Career Coach Reclaim a calm moment in your day We are living in a fast paced world where it is a badge of honour to say your are “Super Busy”. Burnout and overwhelm are part of our daily...